
Brand new blog

As I am now in my second year of Printed Textiles I have decided to start a shiny new blog to record all of the things that I am making/drawing/printing this busy year and I also thought it would be nice to share all of the lovely Illustrators/designers/companies that influence my work throughout my upcoming projects.

At the moment we are nearing the end of the first project where we have been experimenting and trying out all sorts of new and exciting things. Here is the mayhem which is my studio wall.

My theme for this project is all things nautical. I went on a very nice trip to Whitby (which I will post about later) where I found lots of good little antique shops and museums packed full of things to do with Captain Cook and his famous sea voyages. I like the idea of recording his journeys around the world and so far have managed to collect a handful of old maps to print on/collage with and three old etching plates with ships on (which I very luckily found at a junk market).

I have been doing a lot of mark making and creating lots of textured papers to later print on top of or cut up and collage with. Everything is rather messy at the moment but I'm sure everything will come together in the next week or so. More updates coming soon!